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Hair Removal For Vaginoplasty Surgery | What Works?

If you plan to undergo vaginoplasty with neovaginal cavity creation (depth canal), permanent hair removal is a must!

That’s because most doctors using the penile inversion technique utilize penile shaft skin to create a neovaginal cavity. Some doctors may harvest scrotal skin in addition to the penile shaft.

In this case, vaginoplasty with the creation of a neovaginal cavity requires that the penile shaft skin and/or scrotal skin be hair-free.

Why? Because you want to avoid hair-related complications. In this case, the skin area that will be used to construct the neovaginal cavity must be rendered free of hair growth.

One of the biggest complications of hair growth within the neovaginal cavity causes infections. This is due to hair growth within neovaginal cavity trapping:

  • Moisture.

  • Soap.

  • Skin Secretions.

  • Ejaculate.

  • Lubricant (used during regular dilation, douching, and intercourse).

As you can see, hair removal before genital surgery is a necessary step you can’t miss! Not to mention a requirement from your surgeon.

But which method is best? Laser? Electrolysis? Having your surgeon “scrape” it off? Most importantly, which method is the most reliable to ensure zero regrowth?

Think your surgeon knows the best method? Most likely not. There is a lack of consensus in the medical community concerning most permanent hair removal methods for genital surgery. If you consult with two doctors, you will get two different suggestions.

This is primarily due to the need for more medical research. Especially the need for follow-up studies on post-operative patients to document which hair removal method works best. Additionally, the literature on hair removal before genital surgery is limited.

The lack of research and consensus in the medical community makes it difficult to decide which method is best.

To help you decide, let’s consider each method in detail. Visit my gender resource page in the states I am licensed in to find a gender-affirming electrologist in California, Texas, New York, or Florida.


  • Approved by the FDA in 1875, electrolysis is the oldest process for permanent hair removal.

  • It involves using an electric current with a fine needle-shaped probe to destroy the root of individual hair follicles.

  • There are three types of electrolysis:

    1. galvanic - direct electrical current produces a chemical reaction

    2. thermolysis - diathermy: short-wave which produces heat

    3. blend - a combination of galvanic and thermolysis

  • One of the biggest pros of EHR is its ability to be used on all hair colors and skin types.

  • Additionally, EHR has been commonly used for gender-affirming surgery as it had been the sole solution for long-term hair removal before the LHR.

  • Treatments are typically weekly and last up to one hour.

  • Targeting individual hairs may be time-consuming and costly. A common negative factor for many.

  • However, EHR is very effective at permanent hair removal, especially when used to treat hair that has not or will not respond to LHR.


  • For starters, let me note that LHR is FDA-approved for permanent hair reduction rather than permanent hair removal.

  • The word reduction is often misleading. The distinction is mechanistic.

  • LHR does not reduce the number of hair follicles, as electrolysis does.

  • Rather, it reduces the number of hairs by damaging the follicular bulb.

  • The follicle, however, remains intact.

  • LHR works by using light to target dark, coarse hairs selectively.

  • The pigment in dark hairs absorbs the light.

  • This, in turn, creates heat transmitted down the shaft to destroy the follicle.

  • The pros of LHR include the ability to treat larger surface areas.

  • As well as being less time-consuming than electrolysis.

  • Treatments are typically every 4-8 weeks. Depending on the treatment area.


Do you know which method is best? The truth is we don’t know for certain.

We know that EHR is the oldest permanent hair removal method and has a long track record. Of course, that doesn’t mean it is 100% effective!

You have to be careful not to fall prey to approaches that may have become dogmatic in trans care. Let’s not forget that evidence-based medical research is absent for both EHR and LHR regarding gender-affirming surgery.

Both of these procedures are very burdensome for individuals. Both are very expensive and rarely are covered by insurance. And both just may be as effective and equally ineffective.

Additionally, many individuals report regrowth of white hairs following LHR. This can be an issue given the potential complications of hair regrowth in the neovaginal cavity mentioned above.

What I have personally observed is the effectiveness of EHR for gender-affirming surgery. Most importantly, waiting six months to a year after treatment ensures no regrowth.

Waiting at least a year to ensure no regrowth is the most reliable way, regardless of using either LHR or EHR methods.

That’s why starting the hair removal process is important before gender-affirming surgery. And in this case, time is on your side, given a year on HRT is a requirement before genital surgery. Not starting early is one of the 3 Major Mistakes Trans Women Make When Transitioning.

If you plan to undergo vaginoplasty with a neovaginal cavity, consider the pros and cons of each method. Most importantly, start early to ensure zero regrowth!

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Pickens, J.E., and Zakhierh, M. (2004). Permanent Removal of Unwanted Hair. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 24:442-5.

Reeves, C., Deutsch, M., and Stark, J. (2016). Hair Removal. Transcare UCSF.

Zhang, W. R., Garrett, G. L., Arron, S. T., and Garcia, M. M. (2016). Laser Hair Removal for Genital Gender Affirming Surgery. Translational Andrology and Urology. 5(3):381-387