What are Reversible and Irreversible Changes when Masculinizing with Testosterone?


Testosterone or T is an essential part of HRT regimen for those seeking to masculinize.

There are different formulations of T. Your medical provider determines the form and dose of T. Your personal needs, as well as any medical or mental health conditions, are some of the factors to consider.

Testosterone can be taken by:

  • injection (intramuscular or subnormal)

  • implanted pellets,

  • or transdermally via skin patches/creams/gels

If you are planning on starting HRT, I recommend checking out my gender resource page in the states I am licensed in to find a gender-affirming prescriber in California, Texas, New York, or Florida. And if you are located in the states not listed, no worries; any of the links above offer links to the online consent-informed gender-affirming hormone care.

Each person responds to T differently. It’s difficult to predict how quickly the changes will take place for you. That’s why micro-dosing on T is tricky for nonbinary individuals.

Let’s get the bad news out of the way. I am referring to things T will NOT change. This is a concerning question for many.


  • Height.

  • Reduction in breast/chest size or density.

  • Prevent pregnancy.

  • Protect against sexually transmitted diseases.


  • Increased hair growth on the face, arms, legs, chest, back, and abdomen.

  • Hair loss, especially at the temples and crown of the head, and, possibly, becoming completely bald.

  • Deepened voice.

  • Enlargement of the clitoris.

  • Thickening of some facial bone structure.

Now let’s take a look at reversible changes. Keep in mind that these may change back if you stop taking T. While mostly reversible, these changes vary from person to person.


  • Increased libido and changes in sexual behavior similar to those experienced at puberty.

  • Increased muscle mass.

  • Decreased fat in the breasts, buttocks, and thighs.

  • Increased fat in the abdomen.

  • Increased sweat and changes in body odor.

  • Increased appetite, weight gain, and fluid retention.

  • The prominence of veins and coarser skin.

  • Acne of the face, back, and chest, especially in the first few years of treatment, which, if severe, may cause permanent scarring.

  • Stopping menstruation.

  • Vaginal atrophy, dryness, and itching may occasionally cause pain with vaginal penetration.

  • Changes in mood and emotional stability.

Masculinizing effects of T take several months to become noticeable. It can take up to five or more years to reach their maximum effects! And there is no way to predict how fast your body will change or react to T.

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Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.


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