2 Main Reasons You Mistrust Your Gender Identity!

If gender identity is a subjective sense of how one relates to their gender, why is it that the person tends to mistrust themselves?

The truth is, the hostility of the world toward trans folks enlists feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and uncertainty in many trans individuals exploring their gender.

I have even observed a deep sense of mistrust in individuals who have already transitioned and yet continue to negate their own felings and experiences.

In this video, I share two most common reasons trans folks mistrust their gender identity.

Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.


Dr Z Answers Your Direct Questions: Socializing, Genital Dysphoria, First Step, & Fear!


Dr Z Answers Your Direct Questions: Misgendering, Regrets, Dating & BPD Combined w/Dysphoria.