Can You Ever Fully Detox Internalized Transphobia?

A viewer recently shared how they have been working on detoxing their internalized transphobia for several months, all to no avail!

As a result, they felt as if they were doing something wrong.

The truth is, given how transphobic today's world is, it is impossible to detox internalized transphobia completely. Instead, I suggest ongoing internal work to help you become more aware of your inner feelings.

Everything starts with awareness. It is the awareness that leads us to become better human beings.

In this latest video episode on my DR Z PHD YouTube channel, I explore the importance of this topic.

Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.

Wondering if You are Still Transgender After Collecting All the Information!


How Can You Know 100% You Are Transgender?