How Can You Know 100% You Are Transgender?

People always ask me how they can know 100% they are transgender.

Let's acknowledge that knowing 100% is almost impossible for so many trans folks in today's world.

Why? Because the world continues to tell trans folks they do not exist, their feelings are neither valid nor real, and their trans identity is a delusion of the mind. Is it any surprise that so many struggle to trust their inner knowing and constantly question if they are trans?

Instead of focusing on how to reach that 100%, I want to help those questioning to focus on what they DO KNOW!

Time data in the form of years and years of living with gender dysphoria! You may not know you are trans 100%, but you sure know you are not your gender assigned at birth!

Watch as I discuss this in detail and share ways you can start trusting yourself.

Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.

Can You Ever Fully Detox Internalized Transphobia?


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