3 Main Facial Masculinization Options Without Undergoing a Major Surgery!


Starting on masculinizing HRT therapy can do wonders. And if you are on testosterone, you know just how much it can already masculinize your facial features.

Testosterone being a powerful hormone, results in the following masculinizing changes, just to name a few:

  • Facial hair growth.

  • Thickening of some facial bone structure.

  • Deepening of the voice.

  • Increased hair growth on arms, legs, chest, back and abdomen.

  • Increased muscle mass.

  • Prominent veins and coarser skin.

While you may be pleased with the facial changes you get via HRT, you may find yourself not satisfied with the facial masculinizing effects you have obtained.

Especially if you identify as a nonbinary and want some subtle masculinizing effects without any interest in testosterone.

Additionally, some of the transgender man are unable to undergo HRT due to health conditions but still desire to have masculine features.

Not feeling comfortable with how you look, especially in relationship to your gender, causes:

  • increase in dysphoria

  • triggers depression

  • brings up anxiety

  • isolation

  • and in some people, suicidal thoughts

And while masculinizing facial surgery can help, it is costly and currently not covered by many insurance plans.

And if you are curious about facial masculinization surgery, I encourage you to read What are 5 Main Procedures in Facial Masculinization Surgery?

Today, thankfully there are options available to you to masculinize facial features without undergoing a major surgery!

Keep in mind, while less costly in comparison to major surgery, these options may not be covered by your insurance plan. Make sure to contact your insurance carrier to inquire which transgender services are covered.


  • Extra fat carried in the neck or jawline can sometimes create a feminizing effect.

  • Chin liposuction in gender diverse people can help reshape this part of your face by removing extra fat.

  • It is a non-invasive procedure with potential recovery process ranging from 5 to 7 days.


  • While chin implants are done surgically, it typically requires local anesthesia combined with sedation to complete the procedure.

  • This minor surgery is often done in less than an hour.

  • Chin implants may help accentuate a masculine appearance in the face by adding strength to your profile.

  • This procedure often requires at least a week off work and other activities, including abstaining from rigorous physical exercise for at least a month.


  • Injection fillers, injected on each side of the chin, can help create a wider contour to your jawline.

  • Additionally, they can be injected to widen the lower jawline to strengthen the appearance of your jaw.

  • In addition to hormones, which often may create a squaring appearance of your face, dermal fillers can further enhance masculine facial features.

It is important to keep in mind as with any cosmetic procedures, a thorough discussion between you and your doctor is imperative. Especially when discussing realistic expectations.

If you are looking for a gender affirming surgeon offering these procedures, you may want to consider Dr. Scott Mosser. Although, I would imagine other gender affirming surgeons specializing in Facial Masculinization Surgery such as Dr. Josef Hadeed or Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly, are offering these services.

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Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.


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