The Societal Culprint Behind Gender Dysphoria

Recently, on threads, I posted: GENDER DYSPHORIA is what happens when SOCIETY has convinced you to desire something you don’t really want!

Many thought I lost my marbles when I pointed the finger at society as a culprit when so many struggle with the physical pain of incongruency they feel about their bodies. I assure you, the marbles are still there! I am also intimately familiar with all of your pain, suffering, and nonstop mental angst caused by Gender Dysphoria (GD).

You see, we often make the mistake of thinking GD solely stems from biological root causes and is synonymous with transgender identity.

The truth is that GD is a complex phenomenon arising from a multitude of root causes (biological, social, neurological, sexual, environmental, developmental, etc.), which often overlap.

GD also does NOT automatically equal transgender identity. Cis folks, individuals with a severe history of trauma, and people with comorbid conditions, just to name a few, do experience GD.

Yes! Many people afflicted with GD are acutely aware of it as early as age 4! The root cause is most likely biological, neurological, or both.

For these folks, society is not going to be responsible for the CAUSE of GD. But, and I think we can all agree on this, society is largely RESPONSIBLE for the SEVERITY and DURATION of GD a person experiences!

To wrap up, let me share an example of when my original thread is actually true:

A young adult growing up in today’s world where the lexicon and understanding of gender are evolving is bound to evaluate their personal relationship to their gender. Upon examination, this young adult comes to the conclusion that while they do not experience any physical GD and feel congruent with their body, they do not feel comfortable with their gender presentation or gender role, hello social dysphoria (hint, stems from socially imposed boxes and restrictions.)

So off they go into the gauntlet of society, bravely expressing their outer individuality, gender-bending to explore themselves only to have the door shut in their face with outcries:

  • “STOP acting like a girl; you are a boy!”

  • “Why can’t you be more ladylike?”

    Or my favorite, “Quick, we need to save you! You are being brainwashed by gender ideology”

What do you think is going to happen to the social dysphoria they already feel? Which, may I remind you, stems from society. The dysphoria is going to increase, leading to psychological distress, known as GD.

So yes, GD is what happens when society has convinced you you desire something you don’t want! It brainwashed the entire world that gender is anchored to sex (it is not) and taught us all to be gender police first vs. questioning where this idea comes from.

It may not be a SINGULAR root cause, but it is undoubtedly a contributor, and for many, it is a SINGLE root cause. This is why understanding various presentations of GD is so important versus generalizing one single view.

Ponder this: would a person still experience GD if they were born feeling incongruency with their bodies in a world that does not gender their bodies nor anchor them to sex?

Thoughts? Mindfully comment below 👇

Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.

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