Dr Z Answers Your Questions: Resistance, Coping w/GD, Imposter, Orchiechtomy & Gender Fluid Surgery!

You asked, I answered! It is time to answer YOUR direct questions!

This is where I dive into questions you have directly posted to me. Those questions that keep you up at night increase anxiety and paralyze you with fear.

In this series episode, I answer issues related to resistance, coping with gender dysphoria, how to deal with imposter feelings, when to get an orchiectomy & gender fluid surgery!

If you have a direct question, comment below the video or email me directly at natalia@drzphd.com

Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.


The Link Between Depression, Anxiety and Gender Dysphoria!


Why Your Partner Feels Financial Resentment Due to Transition Cost.