Why You Continue to Self-Loath and Hate Yourself as Trans!

I see self-loathing and self-hate in about 80% of the transgender individuals I work with, breaking my heart.

As a psychologist, I can see and understand how this takes root in childhood when a parent or a loved one instills feelings of shame about the authentic self.

Once rooted, it grows big and strong. Like an oak tree taking a life of its own.

It can be challenging to break the cycle, cut out roots, and begin cultivating a healthier you. But possible and oh, so worth it.

Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.


Q&A: Lacking Breast Growth, Family Guilt, Marriage, Socializing w/Specific Gender, Coping.


Q&A: Living w/Parents, Voice Training Motivation, Feminine Trans Men, Politics, Name Change & Hate.