What Happens When Pandora Box of Dysphoria is Opened?

Many ask me, can you put the cat (aka dysphoria) back into the bag once it is out? Put another way, can you close pandora box once it is open?

As much as I want to say: "hey its a good thing your pandora lid flew open!" part of me fully understands the overwhelm, fear, and anxiety many adults feel when it happens.

That's why I made this video. To share not only what one may experience as well as what one may aim to do, but also whether you can ever close that lid again.

Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.


Dr Z Answers Your Direct Questions: Misgendering, Regrets, Dating & BPD Combined w/Dysphoria.


Wondering if You are Still Transgender After Collecting All the Information!