Gender Transition Through 5 Stages of Grief and Loss.


Gender transition is an individualized process and each person goes through it differently. Just watch Is Gender Transition a Linear Process? to get an idea of how diverse it can be.

The process carries along with it many feelings. Grief and loss are one of them.

Some people would say feelings of grief or loss are not associated with the transition. After all, why would you grieve your old self, the self that doesn’t resonate with who you are?

But what if grief and loss go deeper than your sense of Self?

Transition offers an opportunity to be your true Self at the costly price of claiming that which you value.

  • Family.

  • Friends.

  • Your career.

  • Financial income and stability.

  • Health.

  • The life created up to that point.

  • Home.

  • Memories.

  • Relationships.

  • Opportunities.

The list is endless and varies drastically for each individual. But the losses are there.

And where there is loss, grief follows. They are inseparable. And like to mingle together.

Working with transgender and gender-diverse people, I have observed a pattern of grief and loss during gender transition. A pattern is very similar if not identical to the five stages of the grief and loss model.

Studying terminally ill patients who were dying, a Swiss psychiatrist, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, introduced her five-stage grief model in her 1969 book On Death and Dying.

The five stages of grief and loss are:

  • Denial and isolation

  • Anger

  • Bargaining

  • Depression

  • Acceptance

It is important to note that these stages are not linear. And not everyone goes through all five stages. Some undergo two stages rather than all five, one stage, or just three.

But the stages are there. At least in my professional experience of working with transgender people.

You don’t have to go through terminal illness to experience feelings of grief and loss. Transition alone elicits these feelings.

Here are the stages of grief and loss seen through gender transition. Please keep in mind that we all grieve differently. The key to understanding the stages is not to feel like you must go through every one of them.

Instead, I encourage you to look at them as guides in the grieving process. To help you understand where you might be in the process.


  • Often, the first reaction to learning about your gender identity is to deny the reality of your authentic Self. “I am not trans,” “This is only a phase I am going through,” and “It’s just a sexual fetish” are common thoughts.

  • Denial is a common defense mechanism.

  • Buffering the immediate shock of the truth.

  • Numbing our emotions.

  • For some, denial can last for a few months. For other decades.

  • Denial often leads to isolation.

  • Withdrawal from your loved ones. Part of you wants to retreat and hide.

  • For many, this stage is temporary and carries them through the first wave of pain.


  • As you confront denial, reality and its pain re-emerge. “I am not ready to transition,” “Why me?,” “I hate my life” are common feelings.

  • The anger is often aimed at yourself.

  • It can also be aimed at your family, friends, strangers, society, and world.

  • Anger brings up feelings of shame. Feelings of inadequacy. As if there is something wrong with you.


  • As anger settles in, you often begin feeling helplessness.

  • This leads to a need to regain control through a series of “if only” statements.

  • “If only I transitioned sooner,” “If only my parents took me to see a therapist when I was younger,” “If only I had words to describe who I am when I was a child,” “If only I can continue to secretly crossdress.”

  • All in an attempt to bargain. Guilt often accompanies bargaining.

  • You start to believe you are responsible for feeling this way. That you are responsible for how your partner or children feel about your transition.


  • Sadness follows. You begin to feel hopeless and helpless.

  • Worry about potential losses that come with gender transition takeover.

  • Duration and intensity of depression will vary from person to person.

  • Usually, you begin to feel much better once you start the gender transition.


  • The most challenging stage to achieve for many trans people.

  • To accept who you truly are and make peace with yourself.

  • Acceptance often comes in the form of claiming your true Self.

  • The claiming may not be the happiest period for you. But it is an essential aspect of acceptance, offering a feeling of an inner resolution of peace.

You probably found yourself nodding your head several times as you read this. The five stages of grief and loss are intimately familiar to trans people.

If you are going through the stags alone, I highly recommend reaching out for support and especially considering a support group where you can connect to others going through a similar experience. You may be interested in reading 5 Benefits of Transgender Support Group!

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Dr. Natalia P Zhikhareva

Clinical Psychologist specializing in gender issues and transgender care.

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